Jurrijaans, G. and W. van Keulen, In one step from theoretical design into the practice of exposed aggregate surface; constructional and acoustical aspects, in 2nd International Conference on Best Practices for Concrete Pavements. 2011: Florianópolis. Keulen, W. van and M. Wennink, Durability of Low-noise Pavements, invited paper, in 18th International Congress on Sound and Vibration.…

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Li, M., A.A.A. Molenaar, M.F.C. van de Ven, and W. van Keulen, Mechanical Impedance Measurement on Thin Layer Surface With Impedance Hammer Device. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2012. 40(5): p. 860-865. Li, M., W. van Keulen, M. van de Ven, and A.A.A. Molenaar, Development of a New Type of Prediction Model for Predicting Tyre/Road Noise,…

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Li, M., W. van Keulen, H. Ceylan, M. van der Ven, and A.A.A. Molenaar, Influence of Changes in Road Surface Characteristics on Tire – Pavement Noise. Noise Control Engineering Journal, 2013. 61(4): p. 417- 424. Keulen, W. van, The Numerical Effects of Non-Low Noise Roadtypes on Roundabouts Revisited, in 20th International Congress on Sound and Vibration.…

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Keulen, W. van, Durability of low-noise pavements depends on more than technology alone. Coatings, 2014. Li, M., W. van Keulen, M. van de Ven, and A.A.A. Molenaar, Sound Absorption Measurement of Road Surface with Free Field Technology. Applied Acoustics, 2014. Keulen, W. van, B. Vuksanović, I. Andrić, Ð. Mitrović, K. Perić, and R. Westerveld, Reducing…

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Keulen, W. van, Stop met kansloze asfaltimitaties, Cobouw, 30 september 2015 Keulen, W. van, Experiencing Noise-Reducing Pavements (On the interaction of acoustics, road construction, psychology, legislation and policy). keynote lecture, in 22th International Congress on Sound and Vibration. 2015: Florence. Keulen, W. van, R. Westerveld, Reducing Traffic Noise in Serbia; guidelines low-noise pavements and noise barriers,…

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Li M., W. van Keulen, H. Ceylan, D. Cao, M.F.C. van der Ven, and A.A.A. Molenaar, Pavement stiffness measurements in relation to mechanical impedance, Construction and Building Materials. 102: 455-461. Keulen, W. van, Is geluidsreductie van 10 dB(A) mogelijk? OTAR, 2016. 2: p. 43.

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Keulen, W. van, D. Winters, N. van Kuijeren, H. Janssen, R. Westerveld, and H. Heijnens, Stil asfalt met vrachtwagens: tonaal effect en hinderbeleving, in Geluid en Trillingen. 2017: Nieuwegein. Keulen, W. van, Geluidmetingen aan proefvakken met stil beton, Kennisplatform Betonwegen; Themabijeenkomt “Stiller Beton”. 11 mei 2017: Eindhoven. Li, M., W. van Keulen, H. Ceylan, and…

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Keulen, W. van, Duurzaamheid van stille wegdekken, in Geluid, Trillingen en Luchtkwaliteit. 2018: Hoevelaken. Keulen, W. van, J. van Keulen, J.W. Olde Kalter, and J. de Vrieze, New design for a low-noise modular concrete road, in 13th International Symposium on Concrete Roads. 2018: Berlin. Keulen, W. van and H.J. Vennix, Noise measurements on a New…

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