- Jurrijaans, G. and W. van Keulen, In one step from theoretical design into the practice of exposed aggregate surface;
constructional and acoustical aspects, in 2nd International Conference on Best Practices for Concrete Pavements. 2011: Florianópolis. - Keulen, W. van and M. Wennink, Durability of Low-noise Pavements, invited paper, in 18th International Congress on Sound and Vibration. 2011: Rio de Janeiro.
- Westerveld, R. and W. van Keulen, Monitoring of Industrial Noise, invited paper, in 18th International Congress on Sound and Vibration. 2011: Rio de Janeiro.
- Janssen, H., W. van Keulen, and R. Westerveld, Tonality detection of racing noise, in 18th International Congress on Sound and Vibration. 2011: Rio de Janeiro.
- Li, M., W. van Keulen, A.A.A. Molenaar, and M.F.C. van der Ven, Prediction model linking the tyre/road noise change to paving material composition, in 18th International Congress on Sound and Vibration. 2011: Rio de Janeiro.
- Keulen, W. van, Geluid en duurzaamheid: vriend of vijand?, in PAO-cursus. 2011: Delft.
- Keulen, W. van, H. Janssen, and R. Westerveld, Tonality Detection of Racing Noise, in Nederland Akoestisch Genootschap. 2011: Utrecht.
- Keulen, W. van, Bestekken voor duurzaamheid, in Bijeenkomst Wegverkeerslawaai. 2011, Provincie Limburg, Regiegroep geluid: Maastricht.
- Keulen, W. van, Stille wegdekken. 2011: Hengelo.