• Keulen, W. van, Durability of low-noise pavements, 28th International Congress on Sound & Vibration. 2022: Singapore.
  • Keulen, M. van, W. van Keulen and M. Groen–Vallinga, An Investigation of Laws Concerning Noise During Roman Antiquity, 28th International Congress on Sound and Vibration. 2022: Singapore.
  • W. van Keulen, Klimaat vs Milieu: stille wegdekken als voorbeeld van moeilijke afweging, CROW Infradagen. 2022.
  • Keulen, W. van and M. van Keulen, A Brief History Of Noise Legislation; Part I: Roman Antiquity, invited paper 24th International Congress on Acoustics. 2022: Gyeongju, Korea.