- Keulen, W. van, Durability of low-noise pavements depends on more than technology alone. Coatings, 2014.
- Li, M., W. van Keulen, M. van de Ven, and A.A.A. Molenaar, Sound Absorption Measurement of Road Surface with Free Field Technology. Applied Acoustics, 2014.
- Keulen, W. van, B. Vuksanović, I. Andrić, Ð. Mitrović, K. Perić, and R. Westerveld, Reducing Traffic Noise in Serbia, in First Serbian Road Congress. 2014: Belgrade.
- Li, M., W. van Keulen, M. van de Ven, A.A.A. Molenaar, and G. Tang, Investigation on Material Properties and Surface Characteristics related to Tyre-road Noise for Thin Layer Surfacings. Construction and Building Materials, 2014. 59: p.62-71
- Keulen, W. van, Eigenschappen van Vescom akoestisch wandsysteem. 2014: Deurne.